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Why Should You Care About Understanding Your Female Phsyiology?
What you should've learned in sex education, and why it matters that you learn it now. I didn't begin my career in fitness or the...

Do Calories Actually Matter?
Yes. But not how you’ve been taught. Go figure, right? Thinking about losing weight, thinking about what we need to do to change our...

Nourishing, Homemade Bone Broth
Hey beautiful, meet one of your new BFFs for skin, hair, nail and ligament health, that also helps boost your immune system, while...

What Does It Mean To Support Breast Health?
It's Breast Cancer Awareness month, and everywhere you look, you'll see "pink washing" - products that change their marketing to include...

Hormone Healthy Lasagna {Perfect For Fall}
Get ready to dig in to this hormone healthy lasagna that’s gluten-free + perfect for Fall (both the Earth season + the Luteal Phase of...

Need A Quick Hit Of Energy?
...that's not a coffee, sugary afternoon-pick-me-up or a nap? Enter one of my energizing BFF's: The Four Minute Workout (click here to...

The #1 thing you want to prioritize for hormone + whole-being health (that's not what you think)?
Your blood sugar levels. And specifically, keeping them balanced. It’s common to think that managing your blood sugar is only relevant if...

How To Find Balance, For Good
Spoiler alert: I actually think balance is bullsh!t (in the modern sense at least). There's a pervasive belief today that balance is the...

Self-Care Or Self-Deprecation?
...when your self-care becomes another way to put yourself down, isn't not working. Here's why. We often think of "progress" as taking...

Excess Estrogen + Eating For Your Inner Summer
One of the most common hormonal imbalances among women is excess estrogen. Driven by high levels of cortisol (read: stress),...

Instead Of Being 'Healthy,' Shift Your Focus To Being Well-Nourished.
There’s an important differentiation between what our modern society has come to define as “HEALTHY” versus being a WELL-NOURISHED woman....

Thinking of hopping on the newest diet or exercise trend? Try this instead.
If you're thinking of starting a new diet (ex: Paleo, Whole30, Keto or Intermittent Fasting) or a new workout routine, you're likely...

Eating With Your Hormones
What does it mean and look like to EAT WITH YOUR HORMONES (aka your cycle) as a woman? Simply put, it all comes down to understanding...

Shhhh! Don't Talk About Periods.
A lot of women (and men) get weirded out when I talk about periods, cycles and hormones. And full transparency: I used to be one of them....
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