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Stop striving for the "perfect body".

Start thriving in the one you already have.

Workout Like A Woman is a cyclically-informed approach to fitness and whole-being health for all hormone + life seasons you travel through as a woman (including when you have a menstrual cycle + when you don't).

Your female hormones change throughout your lifetime, so you need exercise, nutrition + lifestyle strategies built to optimize + adapt to these changes.

Workout Like A Woman is
for women who want to feel:

  • Confident in their own skin and in love with their reflection

  • Fully connected to body, mind, and soul, and empowered to take on any challenge

  • Strong, poised, and graceful, with newfound flexibility and fluidity

  • Embodying their femininity, radiating confidence and self-love

  • Fully alive and turned on, with a passion for self-discovery

  • Experiencing less push and more ease, feeling grounded, centered, and in tune with their body's needs.

Not as a fleeting feeling, but as a new way of being.
Not just in body, but in your life too.


Women who are struggling with:

  • Unexplained weight gain and feeling frumpy or dissatisfied with your appearance

  • Feeling disconnected from your body and frustrated with its changes

  • Dealing with low energy, burnout, and a lack of motivation to workout

  • Feeling like your efforts don't match the results you're getting, and find sustainable progress challenging

  • Hormone-related issues like painful periods, PMS, Peri- and/or Postmenopause

The good news?
It's not you,
it's your exercise method.
And your need for a cyclically-informed
fitness approach for your
female body instead.

Exercise physiology research informs fitness industry trends. Unfortunately, most of these studies are done on college-aged men, then “findings" blanketed to work for all bodies, (versus your female body), and circulated as “the best ways to workout” to burn fat + build muscle.


Following this advice not only leaves women frustrated with lack of sustainable results, but implementing it on a regular basis actually perpetuates the opposite impact for women due to our physiological sex differencescausing women to put on belly fat + lose muscle mass instead.


This is why you need a model for exercise
built for women, by a woman.


One informed by the science specific to your physiology (aka your hormones) and how they change throughout your lifewhich means that it actually works for your female body and
feels comp
letely different to your nervous system.



That's why I created:

Curious what workouts are like? Try one here.

Workout Like A Woman is rooted in:


Your Physiological Design

The new science affirming the importance for women to cycle their workouts (and shift their nutrition + recovery strategies) based on their unique physiological designand how this changes throughout your lifetime.​


Your Natural Design

The wisdom and innate connection you have to natural cycles of the planet, including the innate micro seasons you travel through during your lifetime that impact your whole-being health and energy.​


Your Metabolic Needs

The growing body of evidence that demonstrates how stress impacts your  metabolic needs + body composition, and requiring exercise + nutritional adjustments to prevent depleting precious energetic resources.

This platform and all its programming is the “why” and “how” of syncing your workouts to match these inherent designs so that you can feel more connected, powerful and confident, empowered and easeful, and become stronger and more flexible in body and in life.


Capitalize on cyclical timingpushing when you’re hormonally primed for it and backing off when you’re physiologically designed to do sotaking advantage of your unique feminine physiology versus unconsciously working against it.


Your body will undergo a transformation on all levels in this program,
because your relationship to her will change.

Monthly Workout Platform for 
Every Hormone Season + Reason:

Reproductive Years

Workouts attuned to the four different phases of your menstrual cycle - working hard when you're primed for it + decreasing intensity when you're not.

Hormonal Birth Control

The delivery of synthetic hormones impacts when you should train (timing) + what workouts best support this entirely different "cycle" of hormones.


Workouts created to support this transitory state, balancing shifting hormones + changing metabolic needs to make your workouts count.

Stessful Seasons Of Life

Periods of higher stress impact your body's metabolic + exercise needs drastically. Support these micro season of life with movement that sustains versus depletes energy.


Periodized training + fueling strategies tailored to counteract the decline of your female sex hormones and optimize your training benefits.

How You Want To Feel

Interactive table of contents that allows you to select workouts based on time available and how you want to feel (example: grounded, connected, alive, energized or powerful).

This monthly platform includes:​


  • A science-backed + nature-inspired, cyclically-informed approach to fitness using Whitney Mack's signature energetic map for sustainable body composition changes and creating an upward spiral of energy that continues to build. Priceless

  • 100+ workouts designed specifically for the female body in every life stage and age. This includes monthly workout calendars with periodized programming to ensure your workouts work for you. $1000+ value

  • Customized nutrition, refueling + recovery strategies to positively impact progress and how you feel. $100+ value

  • A private Facebook group with access to one-on-one feedback and coaching, connecting you with like-minded women in community. $100+/month value

  • Two live, online connections per month, including:

    • ​A 60-75 min Zoom workout class (plus recording) that works with the current month's Full Moon energy and themes, along with other major seasonal transitions. These workouts have been called "transformational"and "epic."

    • A 20-30 min Zoom guided visualization + meditation (plus recording) themed to the New Moon that expands your capacity for personal growth + grace. $125 value

  • ...and more! The program adapts and grows thanks to new research, participant feedback, requests and needs.

Sign up for as low as
for as low as

Workout Like A Woman Testimonials:

"Whitney has radically changed my approach to exercise and food. Instead of just pushing through and honestly feeling empty at the end of my workout and work day, I'm now working with my body, as a woman.

It's been game-changing physically, professionally and personally."

Sarah, 44

"Cycling my workouts has given me more energy and body results overall, now that I no longer have depletion-driven crashes. I rest when it's optimal for my body to rest, and I go hard when my body is primed for the hard work. 


I'm stronger, my energy is more predictable. I feel like I'm finally really listening to my body and what it needs to be its best in all phases of my cycle - and I feel so good!"

Katie, 40

"Workout Like a Woman is such a supportive, holistic, healing space for women. It is truly a life-altering program. Whitney's insight, knowledge and support of the female body and its physical and emotional needs is really second to none.


It has been an eye-opening program and the positive experience of  learning about my own body's needs has been helpful in so many aspects of my life."

Ruby, 37

"Working out in tune with my body's energy (and learning nutritional supports to boot!) has been spectacular. My mental and emotional health and stamina for relationships and easeful wellbeing has completely shifted. Grateful!"

Hannah, 38

"'Go big or go home.' That’s been my mantra for my entire fitness journey. Sweat more, hurt more, depletion, hunger, starvation, etc., etc. No matter what phase of my fitness journey I was in, it always circled back to that mantra, and it was getting harder and harder and harder to lace up those shoes and get out there. 

I’ve been a part of the Workout Like a Woman community now for 8 months. It has been a game changer for me.

Whitney’s coupling of the moon phases with a women’s cycle is so intuitive, and then adding to that daily strength, yoga,  meditation or movement exercises to match the moon's phase has been a breath of fresh air. 

My name is Becky, I’m a 67 year old Postmenopausal woman, living my best life."

Becky, 67


Legacy Membership

Yearly One-Time: $600*

  • Access to complete workout library, monthly periodized workout programming + all education

  • New workouts + bonus material added monthly

  • 2 monthly live Zoom sessions

  • Discounted rate breaks down to $50/month.*


Monthly Membership

$60/Mo.* Payment

  • Access to complete workout library, monthly periodized workout programming + all education

  • New workouts + bonus material added monthly

  • 2 monthly live Zoom sessions

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